Crucial Steps To Follow After Acne Scar Treatment

Crucial Steps To Follow After Acne Scar Treatment

Acne scars can leave behind unsightly marks on the skin, affecting self-esteem and confidence. Fortunately, advances in dermatology now present us with numerous effective treatments to reduce their appearance. Nevertheless, achieving optimal results hinges upon adherence to recommended skincare routines post-procedure. Here are some vital steps to follow after undergoing acne scar treatment in Dubai.

Protect your skin from sun exposure:

Sunlight triggers melanin production leading to hyperpigmentation, thereby undoing the benefits gained from scar removal procedures. Apply broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher daily, even indoors, since UVA rays can penetrate windows. Reapply every two hours if exposed to sunlight directly. Wear protective clothing, wide-brimmed hats, and sunglasses whenever possible.

Moisturize regularly:

Hydrated skin heals faster and retains youthfulness. Choose non-comedogenic moisturizers formulated explicitly for post-acne scar treatment to avoid clogging pores. Hyaluronic acid-based products serve as excellent humectants drawing moisture deep into the skin layers.

Avoid picking or touching scabs:

Resist the temptation to pick or scratch scabs formed during healing. Disturbing the natural healing process increases inflammation risk, resulting in further scarring. Maintain good hand hygiene and refrain from touching your face unless absolutely necessary.

Adhere to prescribed medication regimen:

Post-treatment medications aim to alleviate discomfort, prevent infection, and expedite recovery. Failure to comply may compromise final outcomes and prolong downtime. Never modify dosages or stop taking prescribed medicines abruptly without consulting your physician first.

Watch out for side effects:

Although rare, certain side effects such as redness, swelling, bruising, or allergies could manifest following acne scar treatment. Report any unusual symptoms immediately to your dermatologist for quick intervention.

Gradual return to normal activities:

While most people resume normal activities soon after acne scar treatment, vigorous exercise or heavy lifting must wait until complete recovery. Strenuous activity raises body temperature and dilates blood vessels, exacerbating inflammation and delaying recuperation.

Schedule follow-ups appointments:

Regular follow-ups allow your dermatologist to monitor progress, address emerging concerns, and recommend touch-up sessions if required. These visits ascertain successful healing and fine-tune maintenance strategies moving forward. Also, managing existing acne scars demands consistent effort beyond immediate treatment phases. Develop robust long-term skincare habits incorporating gentle cleansing rituals, balanced diets rich in vitamins and antioxidants, ample sleep, reduced stress, and regular physical activity.

Author: admin